Effective Ways to Lower Humidity in Your Home Without a Dehumidifier

By: Evan Scoboria, Last updated: June 12, 2023

Maintaining proper humidity levels in your home is essential for comfort and health. High humidity can lead to mold growth, allergens, and damage to your property. While dehumidifiers are a popular solution, various methods exist to reduce humidity without investing in one. This article will explore five practical ways to help you achieve the proper humidity levels in your home without using a dehumidifier.

Ways to Lower Humidity in Your Home Without a Dehumidifier

Improve Ventilation

Improving ventilation in your home is one of the most effective ways to combat excess humidity. Proper ventilation helps maintain a comfortable indoor environment by promoting air circulation and reducing moisture build-up. When indoor air becomes stagnant, the humidity levels can rise, leading to various issues such as mold growth, unpleasant odors, and damage to your home's structure and furnishings.

One of the simplest methods to improve ventilation is to open windows in various rooms of your house. Opening windows allows fresh air to enter and circulate throughout your living space, replacing the damp, humid air inside. Cross-ventilation is particularly helpful in reducing humidity; to achieve this, open windows on opposite sides of a room or across multiple rooms. This strategy creates a natural flow of air that helps to remove excess moisture and maintain a comfortable humidity level.

Utilizing fans can also be an effective way to enhance ventilation and lower humidity. Standalone or ceiling fans can help circulate the air within a room, preventing moisture build-up in the surrounding surfaces. By keeping the air moving, you'll feel more comfortable and make it harder for mold and mildew to take hold. It's a good idea to install exhaust fans in high-humidity areas such as bathrooms or kitchens. These fans actively remove moist air from the room and vent it outside, preventing humidity from spreading to other areas of your home.

In addition to these methods, proper home ventilation system maintenance is crucial. Please make sure that your air ducts are clean and free of obstructions, as this will allow for efficient airflow throughout your home. Regularly inspect your vents and air filters, and clean or replace them to maintain optimal performance.

In summary, improving ventilation in your home is a simple and effective way to reduce humidity levels. By allowing fresh air to circulate, opening windows, utilizing fans, and maintaining your home's ventilation system, you can create a more comfortable living environment and protect your home from the damaging effects of excess moisture.

Open Windows

Regularly opening your windows allows fresh air to circulate, driving out moisture and reducing humidity. Consider opening windows on opposite sides of your home to create a cross breeze. This is especially effective during the cooler parts of the day or when outdoor humidity is lower than indoors. Additionally, consider installing window vents or trickle vents to facilitate continuous airflow and maintain a healthy indoor environment.

Utilize Fans

Using fans helps increase air circulation, preventing the buildup of moisture. Position fans to encourage airflow throughout your home, particularly in areas prone to humidity, such as bathrooms and kitchens. Standalone fans, ceiling fans, and even box fans can effectively improve air circulation. Be sure to clean the blades of your fans regularly, as dust can accumulate over time and reduce their efficiency.

Use Exhaust Fans

Exhaust fans are beneficial in moisture-rich areas like kitchens and bathrooms. Please ensure they're functioning correctly, and run them whenever you cook or shower to expel excess moisture. Properly sized and maintained exhaust fans can significantly reduce humidity levels in these critical areas. Also, consider installing exhaust fans in other moisture-generating areas like laundry rooms and basements.

Reduce Moisture

Reducing moisture in your home is critical to controlling humidity and maintaining a comfortable living environment. Excess moisture can lead to many problems, including mold and mildew growth, unpleasant odors, damage to your home's structure, and even adverse health effects. By actively addressing sources of moisture in your home, you can effectively lower humidity levels and prevent these issues from arising.

One common source of moisture in a home is wet laundry. When you dry your clothes indoors, the moisture from the damp garments evaporates into the surrounding air, raising the humidity level. To prevent this, consider line-drying your laundry outside whenever possible. Not only will this help reduce the amount of moisture introduced into your home, but it will also save energy by not using a clothes dryer.

Rugs and carpets can also contribute to high humidity levels if damp. Please regularly check your rugs, especially in areas that aren't filled with moisture, such as bathrooms and kitchens. Clean and dry them as needed to prevent mold growth and excess moisture from seeping into the surrounding air. Additionally, consider using water-resistant mats in high-moisture areas to provide extra protection for your floors.

Keeping surfaces dry is another essential step in reducing moisture in your home. In rooms with high humidity, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms, moisture can quickly accumulate on countertops, tiles, and other surfaces. After using these spaces, wipe down surfaces with a dry cloth or towel to remove excess water. Properly sealing tiles and grout in your bathroom and kitchen can also prevent moisture from seeping into the walls and contributing to high humidity levels.

In conclusion, actively addressing and reducing sources of moisture in your home is crucial for maintaining a comfortable and healthy living environment. By line-drying laundry outside, regularly checking and cleaning rugs, and keeping surfaces dry, you can effectively lower humidity levels and protect your home from the damaging effects of excess moisture.

Line Dry Your Laundry Outside

Wet clothes release moisture into the air, increasing humidity levels. Line-dry your laundry outside whenever possible to prevent introducing excess moisture into your home. If outdoor drying is not an option, consider using a drying rack in a well-ventilated area or near an open window. Also, ensure that your washing machine is not leaking, which can contribute to increased humidity levels.

Check Your Rugs

Rugs can trap moisture, particularly in humid areas. Please regularly check and clean your rugs to ensure they're not contributing to high humidity levels in your home. Pay special attention to rugs in bathrooms, kitchens, and basements. Consider using moisture-resistant materials like polypropylene or nylon if your rugs are consistently damp.

Keep Surfaces Dry

Wipe down surfaces in your home, especially in moisture-prone areas like kitchens and bathrooms. This includes countertops, sinks, bathtubs, and shower walls. Regularly cleaning and drying these surfaces can significantly reduce the overall moisture content in your home. Be vigilant about fixing leaks and addressing water damage as soon as you notice them.

Use Natural Absorbents

Natural absorbents can help reduce humidity levels by drawing moisture from the air. They are a cost-effective and environmentally friendly option for managing indoor humidity.

Have a Basket of Charcoal

Activated charcoal is a natural absorbent that can effectively remove excess moisture from the air. Place baskets or bowls filled with activated charcoal briquettes around your home, particularly in high-humidity areas like bathrooms and basements. Replace the charcoal every few months or when it has lost its effectiveness. You can also purchase charcoal bags that come in various sizes for this purpose.

Build a Rock Salt Dehumidifier

Rock salt is another effective natural absorbent that can help reduce humidity levels in your home. To create a rock salt dehumidifier, place a layer of rock salt in a large, shallow container with holes in the bottom. Position this container over a tray or bucket to catch any moisture the salt collects. Place the homemade dehumidifier in damp areas of your home, such as basements or laundry rooms, and replace the rock salt as needed.

Use Baking Soda

Baking soda is a versatile household staple that can also be a natural absorbent. Place small bowls of baking soda around your home to help absorb excess moisture. Be sure to change the baking soda every few weeks or when you notice a decrease in effectiveness. You can also sprinkle baking soda on damp surfaces, such as carpets and upholstery, to help absorb moisture and eliminate odors.

Try Cat Litter

Certain types of cat litter, particularly those made from silica gel or clay, can effectively absorb moisture from the air. Fill a shallow container or a breathable fabric bag with cat litter and place it in humid areas of your home. Replace the cat litter every few weeks or when it becomes saturated.

Use Cooling Methods

Cooling methods are essential in reducing humidity levels in your home, as they help lower the overall temperature. By doing so, they directly impact the air's capacity to retain moisture. When the temperature is reduced, the air's saturation point decreases and can no longer hold as much moisture. As a result, the excess moisture in the air is released, leading to a drop in humidity levels.

Air conditioning is one of the most common and effective cooling methods. Air conditioners cool the air and help remove moisture from it. As the air passes through the cold evaporator coil, moisture condenses and forms droplets collected in a drain pan and expelled outside the house. This process lowers the temperature and humidity levels, making your home more comfortable during hot and humid seasons.

Another cooling method that can help reduce humidity levels is taking colder showers. Hot showers produce steam, which significantly contributes to the moisture content in your home. By opting for colder or lukewarm showers, you can minimize the amount of steam generated and, consequently, the humidity levels. Additionally, using an exhaust fan in the bathroom during and after showers can help remove excess moisture and reduce humidity.

Ceiling fans and portable fans can also aid in cooling your home by promoting air circulation. Although they don't directly lower the temperature, they create a wind-chill effect that makes the room feel cooler. This improved air circulation helps to evaporate excess moisture from surfaces and move humid air out of the room. Fans can contribute to maintaining a comfortable and healthy indoor environment when used in conjunction with other cooling methods.

Turn On The AC

Air conditioning not only cools the air in your home but also helps reduce humidity levels. When your AC runs, it extracts moisture from the air as it cools, resulting in lower humidity. Ensure your air conditioner is functioning efficiently by regularly cleaning and replacing the filters. Additionally, ensure that your AC is appropriately sized for your home to avoid overcooling or undercooling, which can impact humidity control.

Take Cold(er) Showers

Hot showers can produce a significant amount of moisture, contributing to higher humidity levels in your home. By taking colder or lukewarm showers, you can reduce the amount of steam generated and decrease humidity levels. Running the exhaust fan during and after your shower can also help remove excess moisture from the air.

Other Methods

There are several other effective methods to reduce humidity levels in your home.

Check The Filters In Your A/C & Furnace

Regularly checking and replacing the filters in your air conditioning and furnace systems is crucial for maintaining proper humidity levels. Dirty filters can restrict airflow and reduce the efficiency of your systems, leading to higher energy consumption and poorer humidity control. Replace your filters as the manufacturer recommends or more frequently if you have pets or allergies.

Does a Home Dehumidifier Give Off Heat?

While this article focuses on alternatives to dehumidifiers, it's important to note that many home dehumidifiers give off heat as a byproduct of their operation. This can make some rooms feel warmer and may not be ideal for all situations. If you decide to invest in a dehumidifier, consider the size and energy efficiency of the unit, as well as the space where you plan to use it. Some newer models are designed to minimize heat output, making them more suitable for use in bedrooms or living rooms where excess heat may be undesirable.


Reducing humidity in your home without a dehumidifier is possible through various methods. You can effectively control humidity levels and create a more comfortable living environment by improving ventilation, reducing moisture sources, using natural absorbents, employing cooling techniques, and maintaining your HVAC systems. Monitoring humidity levels and being proactive in addressing excess moisture will make your home more comfortable and protect your property and your health. Finding the right combination of methods for your specific situation is critical to maintaining an ideal indoor environment.