Best Flowering Indoor Plants For Air Purification

By: Evan Scoboria, Last updated: June 12, 2023

Indoor air pollution is a concern that many homeowners may overlook, yet its effects on health and well-being can be significant. From volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to allergens, the air we breathe indoors can be laden with pollutants. However, nature provides a practical and visually appealing solution: indoor plants. These living organisms beautify our living spaces, and many also have air-purifying abilities. This article will delve into the world of flowering indoor plants that can both decorate your home and purify your air.

Best Flowering Indoor Plants For Air Purification

Understanding How Plants Purify Air

Indoor air pollution is a significant concern, given that we spend most of our time indoors. Conventional methods of air purification often involve mechanical devices and chemical treatments. However, one of the most effective and natural methods is often overlooked - indoor plants.

Plants can purify air through a process called phytoremediation. During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, helping to increase oxygen levels in your home. But that's not all. They also absorb a variety of pollutants present in the air through their leaves and roots. These pollutants, often from furniture, cleaning products, and various household items, include volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene.

The process of purification doesn't stop at the leaves. Once absorbed, these toxins are transported to the plant’s roots, broken down by microbes living in the soil, further cleaning the air.

But it's not just the air that benefits. Having indoor plants can improve your mental well-being too. Studies have shown that indoor plants can reduce stress, improve mood and productivity, and even decrease blood pressure.

In conclusion, indoor plants do more than brighten your home decor. It’s a simple step to create a healthier and more comfortable living environment. The air-purifying properties of indoor plants make them a must-have addition to every household.

In the following sections, we'll explore some of the best flowering indoor plants that brighten your home and purify indoor air. Let's bring some nature inside!

The Best Flowering Indoor Plants for Air Purification

Gerbera Daisy (Gerbera jamesonii)

Flowering Gerbera Daisy (Gerbera jamesonii)

The Gerbera Daisy, also known as the Barberton Daisy or Transvaal Daisy, is a cheerful flowering plant known for its bright, large blooms in various colors, including yellow, orange, white, pink, and red. It's a popular choice for indoor gardening, not just for its aesthetics but also for its ability to purify the air.

Air Purification Abilities: The Gerbera Daisy is an excellent air purifier, as it has been found to absorb toxins like benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene, which are common in many household items and indoor environments. According to the NASA Clean Air Study, Gerbera Daisies are particularly good at removing benzene, a toxin found in various types of glue, paints, furniture wax, and detergent.

Care Tips: Gerbera Daisies prefer a well-lit location with indirect sunlight. They need well-draining soil and like to be watered thoroughly, but they should be allowed to dry out between waterings to prevent root rot. Feeding them a slow-release fertilizer during the growing season can support their vibrant bloom production.

Remember to deadhead the flowers, removing faded or dead flowers to encourage the plant to produce more blooms and maintain a neat appearance. Also, Gerbera Daisies are sensitive to cold, so ensure they're not in a location where they can get chilled.

With its joyful blooms and excellent air-cleaning capabilities, the Gerbera Daisy is a perfect addition to any indoor space needing a splash of color and cleaner air.

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Flowering Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

The Peace Lily, or Spathiphyllum, is a beautiful and popular houseplant renowned for its elegance and indoor air purification abilities. Peace Lilies are distinguished by their glossy, deep green leaves and unique white blooms that float above the foliage.

Air Purification Abilities: The Peace Lily's air cleaning capabilities are pretty impressive. NASA's Clean Air Study showed that Peace Lilies are adept at removing numerous toxins, including benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, and ammonia. These chemicals are often found in household cleaning products, paints, and other items in homes and offices.

Care Tips: Peace Lilies prefer low to medium light and well-drained, moist soil. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so allowing the top of the soil to dry out between waterings is crucial. While they're blooming, add a diluted, balanced liquid fertilizer once a month to encourage more flowers.

It's worth noting that while the Peace Lily is excellent for purifying the air, it can be toxic to pets if ingested. Therefore, it should be kept where curious pets cannot reach it.

The Peace Lily is an effective air purifier and a stunning addition to your indoor garden. Its beautiful, serene appearance and air-cleaning abilities make it a favorite among indoor gardeners.

Florist’s Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium)

Flowering Florist’s Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium)

The Florist’s Chrysanthemum, or Chrysanthemum morifolium, is a popular choice for indoor air purification. Known for its stunning, brightly colored blooms, this plant is common in professional floral arrangements and indoor gardens.

Air Purification Abilities: NASA's Clean Air Study found that the Florist's Chrysanthemum is an air-purifying champion. It's particularly effective at removing benzene, a chemical in everyday household items such as plastics, resins, and synthetic fibers. Additionally, it removes trichloroethylene, a solvent often used in dry cleaning, and ammonia, which is found in cleaning products.

Care Tips: The Florist’s Chrysanthemum prefers bright indirect light and well-drained soil. It's vital to keep the soil evenly moist but not overly wet to prevent root rot. When well cared for, these plants produce many blossoms, adding color and beauty to your indoor spaces.

One important note: while the Florist’s Chrysanthemum is excellent for purifying the air, it can be toxic to pets if ingested. So, if you have furry friends at home, keeping this plant out of their reach is best.

The Florist’s Chrysanthemum is an excellent choice for indoor air purification, boasting beautiful flowers that bring cheerfulness and a splash of color into any home.

Barberton Daisy (Gerbera jamesonii)

Flowering Barberton Daisy (Gerbera jamesonii)

The Barberton Daisy, also known as Gerbera jamesonii, is vibrant and colorful and recognized for its air-purifying capabilities. Originating from South Africa, this plant is known for its long-lasting, daisy-like flowers in various colors, including pink, red, yellow, and orange.

Air Purification Abilities: The Barberton Daisy is exceptional at removing trichloroethylene, a chemical often found in dry cleaning, inks, paints, and adhesives. It also removes formaldehyde and benzene, compounds often found in household items like synthetic fibers and rubber.

Care Tips: Barberton Daisies thrive best in full sun or semi-shade conditions and prefer well-drained soil. Water them regularly, but allow the soil to dry out between watering to prevent root rot. They prefer cooler temperatures and can tolerate temperatures as low as 50 degrees Fahrenheit, but it's best to keep them in an environment where temperatures range between 60 and 75 degrees.

Although the Barberton Daisy is usually grown as an outdoor perennial, it can also be kept as an indoor plant. Regular feeding with a general-purpose liquid plant food will help ensure continuous blooming.

A Barberton Daisy will bring a burst of color into your home, and its air-cleaning abilities make it a healthy addition to any indoor space.

Tips on Caring for Your Flowering Indoor Plants

Caring for your indoor flowering plants doesn't have to be a complex task. With the proper knowledge, you can help your plants thrive and, in turn, enjoy the benefits of improved air quality. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind:

  1. Understanding Light Requirements: Each plant has a unique requirement for sunlight. While some plants thrive in direct sunlight, others prefer a shady spot. Research each plant's sunlight needs and place them in suitable locations in your home.

  2. Watering Needs: Overwatering is a common cause of plant death. It's crucial to understand the watering needs of your specific plant. Some prefer their soil to dry out between watering, while others need moist soil.

  3. Humidity Levels: Plants, particularly tropical ones, often appreciate higher humidity levels. Using a humidifier can help create a suitable environment for these plants. However, too much humidity can promote mold growth. Striking the right balance is essential.

  4. Proper Drainage: Ensure your plants' pots have adequate drainage. Without this, water can collect at the bottom of the pot, causing root rot and eventually killing the plant.

  5. Right Temperature: Most indoor plants prefer temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid placing them near air vents, heaters, or drafty windows, which can cause sudden temperature shifts.

  6. Fertilizer: Feed your flowering plants with the right type and amount of fertilizer to provide the nutrients they need for growth and blooming. Most flowering plants benefit from a high-phosphorus fertilizer.

  7. Pruning and Deadheading: Regularly remove dead leaves and spent blooms. This keeps your plant looking its best and redirects energy to new growth.

  8. Pest Management: Watch for spider mites, aphids, and whiteflies. If you notice pests, treat the plant immediately with a suitable organic or chemical pest control product.

Remember, the key to successful indoor gardening is observation and consistency. Keep a close eye on your plants; you'll quickly notice if something isn't quite right.

Creating an Indoor Garden for Air Purification

Creating an indoor garden that doubles as an air purifying system is an appealing idea that combines aesthetic pleasure with health benefits. By adding specific plants known for their air-cleaning properties, you can help reduce indoor pollutants like volatile organic compounds (VOCs), increasing the overall air quality in your home.

First and foremost, you'll need to understand the specific needs of each plant species. Light, temperature, and humidity requirements can vary significantly from one type of plant to another. Make sure to place your plants in a location that best meets their individual needs. For instance, plants like the Peace Lily prefer shade and high humidity, making them perfect for bathrooms, while the Gerbera Daisy requires full sunlight and thus would do better in a well-lit living room.

Next, think about how you want to arrange your plants. Mixing and matching different plants can create an aesthetically pleasing and diversified display. Incorporate plants of varying heights and leaf shapes, and add a pop of color with flowering plants. Remember to group plants with similar care needs to make watering and maintenance easier.

Maintaining the proper humidity level is also crucial for your indoor garden. Too low, and your plants may dry out; too high, and you could encourage the growth of mold or other fungi. Some plants, like the English Ivy, are particularly effective at reducing mold spores in the air.

Another important consideration is the choice of pots and soil. Ensure the pots have adequate drainage to prevent water-logging, which can lead to root rot. The type of soil should also be suitable for the specific plant species.

Lastly, care for your plants regularly. Water them as required, ensure they're getting the right light, and don't forget to fertilize them during their growing season. With proper care, your indoor garden can thrive and act as an effective air purifier.

Remember that while plants can purify the air to some extent, they should not be a substitute for proper ventilation. Always ensure your home is well-ventilated, and consider using an air purifier if necessary, especially if you have allergies or respiratory concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best flowering indoor plants for air purification?

The best flowering indoor plants for air purification include the Barberton Daisy, Florist's Chrysanthemum, Peace Lily, and Gerbera Daisy. These plants add aesthetic appeal to your indoor spaces and work effectively to remove toxins from the air.

Do all indoor plants purify the air?

While all plants have some level of air-purifying capabilities through photosynthesis, some are more effective than others in filtering certain toxins in the air. The NASA Clean Air Study identified several indoor plants with significant air-purifying abilities.

How do flowering indoor plants purify the air?

Flowering indoor plants purify the air by absorbing toxins through their leaves during photosynthesis. They then translocate these toxins to their roots, which are broken down by microorganisms in the soil. Flowering plants also release moisture into the air, improving indoor humidity levels.

Can indoor flowering plants reduce allergies?

Some indoor plants can reduce allergens in the air by capturing dust and other allergens on their leaves. However, it's important to note that some flowering plants may exacerbate allergies in sensitive individuals due to their pollen.

How often should I water my flowering indoor plants?

The watering frequency for your indoor flowering plants depends on the specific plant species, size, potting media, and environment. Generally, most indoor plants prefer their soil to dry out a bit between waterings. However, flowering plants often have higher water requirements than non-flowering plants, especially during their blooming period.


In conclusion, flowering indoor plants offer a natural, cost-effective, and visually appealing solution to improving indoor air quality. From the vividly colored Barberton Daisy and Florist's Chrysanthemum to the elegant Peace Lily and Gerbera Daisy, these plants add to the aesthetic appeal of our homes and work diligently to remove toxins from the air, promoting a healthier living environment. As we spend a significant amount of our time indoors, investing in air-purifying flowering plants becomes more than just a hobby - it's a step towards a healthier and more harmonious living space. Remember, different plants require varying levels of care, so choose the ones that best fit your lifestyle and home environment. Happy gardening!